“The chief aim of man is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.”
We couldn’t agree more; these two truths are foundational to our children’s ministry. We seek to develop the spiritual senses of our children so that they can enjoy the depth and quality of relationship with God that Jesus went to the cross to obtain for us. Out of this intimate relationship with the Lord, we seek to develop godly character and spiritual gifting, which bring glory to God. We serve a generational God – “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” – and so we are a generational church. We believe that “…out of the mouths of infants and babes you have ordained praise….” Our children are our future, and that is why we place a priority on their generation. Children meet at the church building at 6:15 pm on Wednesday nights for life group. They have times of worship, teaching, crafts, and games to help them have fun while they grow in their walk with the Lord.