God Our Only Hope
Life Group Questions
1. Hope in anything but God is making the thing an idol. What are some examples of things we put our hope in when we lose focus on God?
2. Research shows patients under anesthesia can still hear what is being said, and it can affect their recovery. Considering we are all in recovery as we strive to become better Christians, what do you hear when you speak about yourself? More importantly, what are you hearing God say to you and about you?
3. Psalm 55:17 says Evening, morning, and noon, I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. The problem is we must be patient. Do you struggle to have patience as you wait on God to answer your prayer? How long do you usually give him?
4. God remembers His covenant even when we are the unfaithful ones. Discuss a time when you may have fallen to the idea of Relative Goodness. How did you shift your focus from your situation back to God?
5. God saw the people. When He sees us, He doesn’t look at us harshly or critically! He treasures what’s in our hearts. How has this given you hope?
6. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. He is patiently waiting for everyone to come to repentance. If your situation isn’t changing, have you prayed for God to reveal any sin issue you have not dealt with in your life? Or, if you know the problem, what keeps you from being obedient to repent and turn the other way? We encourage you to seek out leaders in the church to pray with you.